This is a listing of digital and print media publications for astronomy in the Philippines.
The Second Coming: 1986 Marks Comet Halley's Second Return This Century
Creator: Edwin Aguirre & Imelda Joson
A 355-page reference book on Halley's comet published by the National Research Council of the Philippines.
Format: printAccess: sale
Astronomy PH
Creator: GAIA - Open Research And Collaborative Learning Experience
A digital media designed to promote scientific communication and collaboration within the local astronomy community and the rest of the general public. It features news/articles from different astronomy and astronomy related groups, institutions and individuals.
Format: digital
Access: open
Creator: Philippine Astronomical Society
Official newsletter of PAS
Format: digital
Philippine Journal of Astronomy
Creator: Astronomical League of the Philippines
Contains manuscripts, general astronomy articles, image submissions, reviews from professional and amateur astronomers, as well as news from the organization.
Format: digital
Access: members only (occasional open access)
Creator: Astronomical League of the Phillipines
Official newsletter of ALP
Format: digital
Access: members only
Balatik: Etnoastronomiya Kalangitan sa kabihasnang Pilipino
Creator: Dr. Dante Ambrosio, PhD., UP Press
A compilation of ethnoastronomy research in the Philippines
Format: print
Access: Sale
A Catalogue of Astronomical Objects as reference for Campus Astronomy
Creator: Dr. Jesus Rodrigo Torres, PhD., RTU Academic Journal
An observing catalogue designed for student use with binoculars or small telescopes.
Format: print
Access: RTU DESS
Creator: RTU Department of Earth and Space Sciences
A compilation of digital media from students, faculty and staff of RTU-DESS.
Format: digital
Access: open
The Armillary
Creator: Armillary, RTU Astronomy Society
Official student publication of RTU AstroSoc.
Format: digital
Astronomical Diary
Creator: PAGASA
Monthly digital diary listing down observing events for the month
Format: digital, webpage only
Access: open
Stars and Galaxies
Creator: Norman Marigza
Astronomy textbook for the college course Astro4: Stars and Galaxies
Format: digital (in full-color and in printer friendly version)
Access: open via RTU BS Astro-Tech batch 2018 students
The Myths
Creator: Damiana L. Eugenio
Philippine Folk Literature Series. A compilation of Philippine lore on Philippine astronomy.
Format: print
Access: UP Press
Abstract Jupiter: An Anthology for the Cause of Aedan Pio
Creator: Literature V.S. Cancer
Astronomy artwork by cancer warrior Aedan Pio Malvar
Format: print
Access: Literature V.S. Cancer or at Prism Gallery